Friday, June 18, 2010

My Introduction

I would appreciate my parents for sending me to drawing classes since I was a kid. It helps me to form a basic fundamental and also arose my interest towards arts and drawing. In consequence, I have chosen Arts Stream during high school. From there I have learn various types of method of draw such as water color, ink, and oil painting. Beside, there are some designing courses provided from my high school.

From the beginning, I was unfamiliar with I thus, I have lost my confidence. But I am so glad that I have received encouragement and support from my friends and family so that I could continue to pursue my dreams.

After some time from my consistency practice, my drawing skill has improved tremendously. My effort has being affirmed because I was awarded on my oil-painting and designing. The happiest thing was the acknowledgement received from teacher when my works displayed at arts exhibition. The acknowledgment has given me motivation and build up confidence towards my ability. By the time of being awarded, I have decided to evolve in arts for my future.

After graduate in high school, I have signed up Visual Communication Design course, and because of the 3 years experiences in high school, I have found out that i am more interested on illustration, therefore, for this last semester, I have chosen illustration to study. I hope i could perform it well in the future from what I am learning now and extend my passionate when I get into society.

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